BNI Runestone Referrals Business Video

Since 2015 AMS Digital Productions has been a member of this very active network referral organization based in Alexandria, Minnesota. During the winter and spring of 2020 we interviewed a few of the members, to help promote the organization to other businesses in the community through BNI’s Facebook page and website. 

“It’s Poetry month, and for just this one time
I wrote out my commercial and set it to rhyme.
Of video magic, you’ve heard me proclaim
How we’ll make you look good, make famous your name!
With drone, lights, and mic we will travel to you,
To capture on camera what is marvelous and new.
We’ll edit, correct it, to music we’ll set it;
We’ll make such a production that no one will forget it!
Your social media accounts, and your website, too,
Will be humming with chatter, and pointing to you.
So when, to the summit of success you arise
Remember who helped you: AMS Digital - the video guys.”

Humorous poem presented to BNI on April 29, 2021


Tonya Strong, BNI District Director

Carl Kvale, Kvale Real Estate

Abby Kleinschmidt, Bell Bank

Andrea Dronen, Hearlife Minnesota

Dr. Rick Thiery, Young At Heart Dentistry

Cindi Nelson, Hometown Insurance

Alicia Meyer, Broadway Ballroom