Evansville Historical Foundation

Nonprofit Website and Video

Evansville Historical Foundation website is accessible on desktop and mobile devices.

Evansville Historical Foundation website is accessible on desktop and mobile devices.

Few visitors understood what this nonprofit has to offer.

Evansville Historical Foundation (EHF) had an invisible and incomplete website that was seldom seen, until they called on AMS Digital.

In 2019 AMS Digital created a fully responsive, visually rich website that included something EHF previously didn’t have: a timeline of local history. Specially created for this website, you can see the timeline by clicking this link.

Like all our website designs, this new website is search engine optimized and mobile optimized, so it will get found and works well when viewed from any device - mobile or desktop. It also incorporates an overview video, of course. A local search program helps to maintain the online presence for this volunteer-run organization.



The overview video gives website visitors a snapshot of what to expect when they visit…


A special video for a special purpose.

In the summer of 2021 Evansville Historical Foundation celebrated its 30th anniversary with a series of special events for the public. AMS Digital created a unique long format video for looping on a display as site visitors toured the Pioneer Village. The video encompassed a section about the founder, Alf Thompson, the history of the organization and the development of the Pioneer Village, and brief vignettes about the people who contributed to EHF’s success.


This video is much longer than most, but it plays like a television documentary…