Why Your Business Needs Video
Video has grown in popularity for a reason. It’s the single greatest tool we have on the internet.
As they grow in popularity, videos become even more important.
Ryan Holmes, Founder and CEO of Hootsuite says in a 1/2/2018 article for Forbes titled Biggest Social Media Trends for Business, “It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that video is the future, not just of social media, but of the internet as well. By 2021, Cisco forecasts that 82% of all consumer internet traffic will be video. “
A blog post on market-inspector.com titled Video Marketing for Business 8/3/18 states, “Video is taking the internet by storm…. This shouldn’t come as a surprise considering 1/3 of the time spent online is watching videos…. Any business, regardless of the industry it operates in should consider investing more resources in video marketing. Using videos in the right way will most certainly increase brand awareness and set you apart from your competitors.”
In a Forbes.com article dated 4/24/2018, entitled The Growth of Video Marketing and Why Your Business Needs It, William Craig, CEO of WebFX states, “Around the world, 91% of consumers are likely to reward brands for authenticity and share the brand with friends and family and 62% are likely to purchase from or show greater interest in purchasing from a brand that authentically expresses itself.”
Why are videos so popular?
Video is likely to engage viewers and ignite emotions. Video holds viewers on your website longer and increases the likelihood that they will click through to other pages.
Google loves video. https://searchengineland.com/rise-video-8-tips-boost-sites-seo-227498 Keeping viewers on your page longer equates to more trust and greater standing with Google. Videos are prime for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Even though SEO ratings are constantly changing and updating, one thing that remains consistent is that videos improve SEO rankings.
Video is important.
But it isn’t just that people watch them, but who is watching them and what they do after they watch them is what matters.
This is where a professional video service can make the difference. They have experience in setting up video marketing strategy. They have the video equipment and technical skills (lighting, editing, etc) to create a quality product for all your social media needs. Their knowledge in researching the right keywords and metatags will ensure that your website can be found by the right viewer (customer).
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